Dear my growing girl,
[This time I must admit that I tried writing earlier, but this website wouldn't allow me to post any pictures for some reason--so I decided to wait.]
I love this age with you so much! You have so much personality blossoming and are becoming more independent. While it tugs at my heart sometimes to see you not needing me so much, it is also so gratifying seeing you go off into a different room of our house or your grandparents to explore alone. You do like to sit down (from crawling) about half way to wherever you are going and look back to see my reaction, like "Is this okay mom? Yeah? Okay, see ya later!"
Your eating has improved so much in the last week. While you still won't eat just anything that is placed in front of you, you have now accepted (not purees): peas, toast, potato (not a fan), bread in almost any form, puffs, some cheese, banana, apple, green beans (I have to put them in your mouth) and a breakfast bar. Everything else is still slowly coming together, but I am encouraged by you finally trying new food. I'm not going to lie though--lately (at least before this new acceptance) meals had become my least favorite part of the day with you... speaking as a picky eater, I sure hope you start enjoying more foods soon! What really gets me is that if you are in your high chair eating, you eat with mere acceptance. If I sit down at the table to eat, you drop whatever you are doing, crawl as fast as you can, pull up on my leg and proceed to tilt your head up and stare at me until I give you a taste of whatever I am eating. You're worse than Jack with the begging!
You are still holding on to everything to pull up and to hang on to while you stand (like the coffee table and the big window in our living room). Your daddy can get you to let go and stand for a few seconds at a time, but I am not as successful with that. Whenever
I let you go, you immediately drop to the floor, or flail your arms towards my leg and start your new favorite "fake cry." You are cruising pretty fast on furniture. You have the weirdest little pose-- you will get on to one knee (like a proposal), and then proceed to "hop" on that leg across the room. I'm pretty sure you are dying to walk, but won't take the plunge just yet.
You are about 22 pounds! You are wearing mostly 12 month clothes, but they are becoming increasingly snug--about half of your 12 month things are officially out of commission while I slowly begin pulling out what few 18 month things we have. You are loving me holding you at any opportunity, but my back is not loving it quite as much... in this regard, I am ready for you to start walking juuust a little bit. You have become so much more attached to me since I have been home for summer. Work is going to be tough on the both of us come the end of August. You cry whenever anyone other than me, your daddy, grandmother, or grandfather hold you for the most part. You laugh and play and bounce at home or wherever when I am around. If I leave the room and you are left with, say, your uncle, you will wail with tears (which is very unusual for you). As soon as I pick you up again--not a peep. While on the one hand I know you need to get through this phase, and feel slightly embarrassed at times when you really put on a show, there is a part of my heart that just lights up that I am so important to you and that you seem to love me as much as I love you!
You in your "proposal" pose playing with your grandma and cousin Ava |
You have enjoyed playing in your small blow up pool at our house with your bath toys this summer. You love being outside and you love bath time.... so me allowing you to play in some water outside makes you pretty giddy. You are also getting to the age where you are also beginning to inspect what you are playing with--switching your toy from hand to hand, turning it, pushing your lips out in contemplation while you try to figure out the sound, or the button, or light, or whatever has intrigued you. I can see you thinking and it is so cool! You still won't sit still for a book, though. That hasn't stopped me from walking around behind you reading out loud, or oh so casually reading next to you while you play. Sooner or later, little one, you are going to sit down for an entire book or two and not try to rip the book to shreds or slide out of my lap. One day.
We are in the process of planning your birthday "party" (that will probably involve grilling some hamburgers with family). I cannot believe it is so soon--but I will hold off on that one until next month.
I love you so much, am so proud of the independence and adventurous nature you are beginning to show. Your daddy thinks you are so funny and entertaining. You are our favorite topic to talk about. I am so thankful I have your daddy to share this adventure with!