Monday, July 30, 2012

I am not a gymnast.

We went to the doctor today for our ultrasound. They say she is weighing about 7 pounds 9 ounces, which, while slower growth than she was having, is still putting her in the 85th percentile. That combined with how far down she is and the fact I have an anterior placenta is making my back feel a crazy kind of pain I can't describe! They said I'm about a finger tip dilated and 30% effaced.... while this is not huge, nor does it mean I'm going into labor soon, is still kind of exciting since last week I was neither of these things.  There is some talk of induction for various reasons, but I am too tired to go into that now. However, prayers that she will turn (she's "sunny side up" right now, facing my stomach instead of my back) on her own and that I will go into labor naturally would be appreciated.

All of my excitement keeps mounting..... but at the same time it is changing because it is now getting mixed with "Oh we are going to have a child in the next three weeks. 24/7 forever and ever and ever." That is pretty intense stuff.

I keep wanting to do so much and keep thinking about all that needs to be done.... instead I get so tired and do nothing. Or I eat. Or sleep. Kick in, already, you last burst of energy!!
In other news, Tim and I have been watching a ton of Olympic games the past few days. It is very relaxing and almost immediately puts us to sleep haha. I am blown away by these Olympic athletes and all of there skills and strength and flexibility..... I see them do almost inhuman things, whereas I'm like...

I'll keep you all posted as things move along! Keep praying for us....this stuff just got real.

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